Relatively short period
According to article 7a:1614d of the Civil Code of Aruba, an employer must pay the employee an amount equal to 100% of his/her salary for a relatively short time, which is equal to at least six (6) weeks. Of course, the employer and the employee can always agree upon a longer period. In case the employee is insured under the State Ordinance Health Insurance, the employee is entitled to a sickness allowance from the S.V.B. equal to 80% of his/her salary. For a minimum period of six weeks the employer must provide this payment in such a way that the employee receives 100% of his/her salary. In case an employee is not insured under the State Ordinance Health Insurance the employer is obligated to pay 100% of his/her salary during at least six (6) weeks. Six weeks is therefore the minimum, a longer period can always be agreed upon. How this should be handled by the employer must be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. It should not be forgotten that in the event of long-term sickness, the employees who are not insured under the State Ordinance Health Insurance, may at some point find themselves without income. This may be in violation to good employment practice. It is therefore important that this is properly regulated by the employer. If you need advice on this, you can contact us.